Well, here we are on week three of homeschooling and social/physical distancing and all that other stuffffff that goes along with the coronavirus world we’re currently living in. I dug through my archives to find five cheap and easy home organization projects that you could do in an afternoon or over the weekend if you’re looking for something to fill the time. And bonus, they’ll all make your life easier going forward too!

Kitchen organization

Last January I gave some attention to organizing the areas of my kitchen that I used the most and were in need of some help. I shared easy organization tips for snack foods, spice jars, pantry items, the junk drawer, and papers, papers, and more papers. Not to be dramatic, but having these things tidy has changed my life for the better!

I made this super cheap and simple scarf organizer about four years ago and it still works great for me. If you have spray paint and screws in your house already it’ll cost you less than $10 per bar to get all your scarves organized! This easy organization idea has worked so much better for me than having them folded on a shelf or in a drawer.
Earring organizer

I made this super simple earring organizer shortly after moving into our house six years ago and much like the scarf organizer, I’m still using it now. It’s the ultimate easy organization idea – you can make it in about five minutes and requires no special DIY skills or tools. If you can use a pair of scissors, you can make this.
Spice jars

It took me years to figure out how to organize my spice jars in a way that made it easy for me to find the one I was looking for at a glance. If you have a spare drawer and about a half hour, this is a really affordable and easy organization project that will seriously improve your life in the kitchen!
Kids’ art supplies

I just posted about the storage cabinet I added in my kitchen recently, but even if you don’t have a cabinet like this, the way I organized my kids’ art supplies with transparent bins and a simple label maker has finally been the thing that works to keep those things both easy to find and easy to clean up and put away.
I hope you’re staying well and that these affordable and easy organization projects give you some ideas if you want to get your house shipshape while you’re spending all this extra time at home!