Well it has been quite a week and half around here. I was all ready and excited to write this post last week after I got home from our final summer weekend away, and then the very night we arrived home a tornado came through our neighborhood at around 3:20 a.m. and we were one of the houses hit. There are many silver linings to the whole thing but also a lot of disbelief, stress, sleeplessness, repairs to be done, contractors and roofers to talk to, and the insurance pieces to figure out. I won’t even go into all the details, but that is why I abruptly dropped off the face of the blog. I’m getting back into the swing of things now despite all that remains to be done and want to give you a peek at a few really pretty finishing touches that I added to Ada’s “big girl bedroom,” which I’ve been slowly working on for the past year or so. At this point, I am just about ready to snap some wider photos and show you the finished room!
But in the meantime, here are a few sneak peeks of those final pieces.
aqua blanket
navy blue bench
wool braided rug
pom pom curtains
black dotted sheets
aqua blanket
navy blue bench
wool braided rug
pom pom curtains
black dotted sheets
aqua blanket
pom pom curtains
black dotted sheets
One thing I have wanted to change in her room since we moved into this house was the rug. I had a 5×8 rug that had worked well at our old house because the room was configured differently but here that rug looked pitifully tiny for the space and layout. I’d been eyeing this ivory braided wool rug from Rugs USA for a while and when it went on sale for 70% off I took the leap and it is everything I’d hoped it would be. The texture of the rug adds dimension without pattern and it is soooooo soft underfoot. Absolutely dreamy, and the 8×10 size is so much better for the room.
I waffled back and forth about what to put over Ada’s bed, not sure if I wanted to hang a piece of art, but it all snapped into focus for me when I stumbled across the Seaside print from Minted. It references all the main colors in the room and I love its Gray Malin-esque look. It was just the unifying piece the room needed but that I didn’t even totally know was missing before I got it. I’ve had a few people comment on it when they’ve seen Ada’s room in person, it really is such a striking print. I recently added a framed art piece from Minted to the guest room too and I am so impressed with the selection and quality they offer.
The only thing left was the windows and while I knew I wanted to go with white sheers, I couldn’t resist getting them with adorable aqua pom pom trim once I saw these pom pom sheers. They also make a blackout version if you want that extra bit of light blocking.
I’ve been working on organizing Ada’s dresser and shelves and as soon as I have that all sorted out I’ll be taking photos to show you the whole room. It’s been a slow road but I really love how the room has come together. I think it’s a bedroom that will grow with her and that can be adapted if needed as she grows up and her tastes change. And besides my loving it, she loves it, and that was always what I was aiming for the most.
Rugs USA offered me a discount on the rug and Minted sent me the art print to include in this post. Both are brands that I sincerely admire and I am so happy to have the opportunity to work with and share brands that I loved long before I started writing this blog. Thank you for supporting the brands I choose to partner with here. I choose them carefully and hope you love them as much as I do.
such a gorgeous room, jen! i love the colors and how fun but sophisticated it is!
such a gorgeous room, jen! i love the colors and how fun but sophisticated it is!
Thanks so much, Cassie, what a great compliment because that’s just what I’ve been sort of aiming for :)
What a stunning room – that pink is just the absolute perfect shade. Love it. Hope you are able to recover from the tornado – one of my worst nightmares. Glad everyone is ok.
Thanks so much, Jenny. It’s been a crazy week and a half, just a blur, and I can’t wait to really get back to my home projects!
What a stunning room – that pink is just the absolute perfect shade. Love it. Hope you are able to recover from the tornado – one of my worst nightmares. Glad everyone is ok.
Jennifer, I can’t believe you were one of the houses we heard about on the news! So sorry, what a nightmare. I’m glad you’re all safe and sound!! Ada’s bedroom is adorable, I love the colors and the gorgeous Minted print that ties them all together. Beautiful.
I know!! My parents saw a shot of our house on the national news that night. Just wild. Thanks for the nice comment, Lisa!
that rug is a steal – great find!!! Loving the adorable pink walls and that navy bench!
Thanks! I suuuuuper love the rug…like kind of want to use the exact same one in all the other bedrooms in the house too…