I hope this post won’t wind up sounding preachy, and I’m almost hesitant to write about “healthy living” because I’m hardly an expert – you all know of my love for butter and sugar. But I do know what works for me and over the past ten years or so have kind of landed where I am now, and things feel mostly good.
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Here’s what I know and/or believe:
- Diets do not work for me. They feed into very negative sides of my personality and ultimately lead me to an unhealthy emotional place.
- Natural foods, from the earth, like vegetables and fruits, are good for me.
- Chocolate and butter are my soul mates and we will never be divided.

- However…I feel best, physically and emotionally, when I eat more healthy foods than unhealthy foods.
- I like real food more than I like processed food.
- GMOs, artificial ingredients, and preservatives are not good for anyone.
- I want my daughters to grow up with a taste for “real” food, and so feed them as many fresh things as I can.
- Being active and breathing fresh air are good for my body and my mind.
This is my ideal-me list. I am not, however, superhuman. There are weeks when we run out of fresh fruit a couple days before I’m planning to grocery shop. There are days when we’re running late in the mornings and eat toast in the car for breakfast. There are days when I end the day having eaten more cookies than vegetables.
And guess what? I am okay with that. I want to make good choices and control my family’s health most of the time. Non-ideal days here and there don’t bother me too much.
One of my biggest saviors when it comes to my sweet tooth is fruit. I love fruit. I eat fruit every day. My daughters love fruit. They eat fruit every day. But I love the idea of a supplement we can all take that gives that little extra boost when we have a day where we haven’t managed to eat as much fruit as usual. Enter FruitsMax.
FruitsMax just came onto my radar and it is this tasty little tablet that tastes a bit like dried apricots and is a combination of twenty-one fruits and acidophilus probiotics. It’s not meant to be a replacement for real, fresh fruit, but a supplement to it and, really, who of us couldn’t use a little boost??
My daughters and I have been eating these in the morning with our breakfasts, sometimes with fresh fruit, sometimes not – but we always get our real fruit in later if we miss it in the morning :) FruitsMax just makes it a little easier to be sure we’re hitting our daily recommended amount of fruit.
And, as if that weren’t enough, FruitsMax contains twelve essential vitamins, eleven minerals, hundreds of phytonutrients, boosts the immune system (goodness knows I need THAT this time of year with two preschoolers underfoot!), and promotes digestive health. It contains no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors, and is GMO free.
Want to give it a try for yourself? FruitsMax is giving the first bottle to customers FREE – you just pay shipping. If you sign up for their monthly newsletter you’ll get 15% with no promo code required. You should note, though, that if you choose to receive the free bottle you’ll be signing up for a monthly subscription and will be charged for the product the following month. You can cancel this at any time, though, so why not give it a try?!
If you want to stay up-to-date on what’s going on with FruitsMax you can connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram.
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