As some of you know or have guessed, Scott and I have been actively looking at houses for the past couple months. We’ve been waffling on when to list our current house for sale – do we list without anything on the horizon to buy? Do we wait until we find a house and then quickly list ours and hope it sells? So far, we’ve done neither.
A few weeks ago we went to look at a major fixer upper. Like, major. What it lacked in updates and polish it had in old charm (it was built it 1904). It’s in a great family neighborhood, has a nice big, level yard, and loads of potential, so we went back with a contractor, talked him through our thoughts, and after getting quotes on the work, decided to put in an offer on Tuesday.
It was a long shot, definitely a low offer, but we felt like it was fair given the amount of work needed. We’d also heard, though, that the seller wasn’t very flexible with price, so we weren’t floored when he came back yesterday with just a “No,” and no counteroffer. We didn’t really expect him to accept, but had hoped there’d be some negotiation. Disappointing, but not shocking.
We’ll probably just wait it out a bit more and hope the seller’s expectations lower, and in the meantime there’s another house we’re interested in that we’re hoping to see later this week.
Why am I telling you all this? Just to fill you in on what’s been going on behind the scenes, really. We’re on a bit of a push to get our house ready to list for sale in the event that we choose to do it without anywhere else to go (Did you hear that thump? It was me passing out at the thought of having to move twice and into a rental indefinitely.).
I have a looooong list of little and big things to do to prepare for listing – organizing my closet was one of the biggies – and paint touch-ups around the house are some of the smaller items. Incidentally, the absolute smallest is replacing a burned out lightbulb in the master bath that – no exaggeration – has been out for the past four years.
But back to those paint touch-ups. As chance would have it, I was contacted a few weeks ago by the folks at Color-Glide Pro asking if I’d be interested in reviewing their product.

Good luck to you, and thanks for reading my ramblings on this whole moving fiasco – what a stressful time!
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I was provided this product for free but have not been otherwise compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.
Really nice idea! Thanks for the review! I was just checking the Color-Glide out so I’m very happy to find your post! I think that it’s exactly what I need! Thanks! Hopefully now you have only the most positive memories left from the move you had 2 years ago! Greets! visit their site