Hi guys.
It’s been a slow week here on the blog but I’ve been busy wrapping up some things at home and then spent half of yesterday flying to Atlanta for my cousin’s wedding this weekend.
Before we dive into the weekend, I wanted to share with you this great e-course series that my sweet friend Jen, from City Farmhouse, is taking part in.
She’s teaching a mini course called “Inspired Decorating Ideas for Summer.” Here’s a peek at some of the things you’ll learn in the course.

And the cost?…$10. Yes, TEN DOLLARS. Go sign up HERE. You’ll find the link to Jen’s course listed on the left hand side.
Now go enjoy the long weekend, and happy unofficial start to summer! My blogging will probably be a little more erratic this summer as I’m spending time with my kidlets and enjoying being outside. But you all understand, right?
Have a great weekend!